Your Invoice Explained


Use the guide below to understand your monthly invoice. If you have any questions, shoot us an email

1. Our Address & Contact Details
2. Your Address details
3. Your Account Number - Normally 5 or 6 digits.
Also used for logging into MY Account
4. This Invoice Number

5. The Invoice Date. Each invoice will normally be dated the beginning of the month for which charges apply

6. The Due Date of your invoice - if invoice is paid after this date you may be charged a Late Payment Fee .
This is normally 14 days after Invoice Date
7. Your Opening Balance.
This may be Zero, if your account was paid in full
It may be a Negative Number - This means your account is in Credit
It may be a Positive Number - this is amount from last invoice carried forward
8. The amount of any payments we have received
9. Charge for this invoice
10. Summary of the charges - for Details look at Page 2, items 18, 19
11. The amounts charged
12. The Total Excluding GST
13. Total GST
14. Total New Charge on this invoice
15. The Total Amount Payable
If this is a Negative amount then you don't need to pay anything
16. Total Paid
17. BPay Reference code. This is different for each customer
18. Detail of summary items from Page 1
19. Detail of summary items from Page 1
20. Price each
21. GST each
22. Charge for each item